Wednesday 26 February 2014

Cornea transplant surgery in India at we care health services..


Cornea transplant surgery in India heals patients while replacing their damaged cornea with a healthy one.

None of the sense organs in a human’s body are as sensitive and vital as eyes. It is sense organ of vision, enabling us to see the world around us. Not only the eyes but also its various parts are equally important. One such part of the eye is cornea. Cornea helps to protect the eyes from germs and dust. It functions like a window that controls and focuses the entry of light into the eye and contributes nearly 65-75 % of the eye's total focusing power. Even the slightest of injuries, infections etc can hinder it’s working. But then again there is always a solution to everything and likewise there is solution for this too, and that is through Cornea transplant surgery in India.

During the cornea transplant surgery, the surgeon replaces a diseased or scarred cornea with a new and healthy one. The clear cornea is usually taken from an eye bank or a freshly deceased person. A trephine (an instrument like a cookie cutter) is used to remove the cloudy cornea. While removing the middle segment of the cloudy cornea, the surgeon places the new cornea in the opening and sews it with a thread. This thread or stitching stays in until the time eyes would heal fully. 

At Cornea transplant surgery in India it is always made sure that the cornea of the donor is a healthy one.  

If we look back in history, there was a time when corneal damage had almost blinded people as in those times corneal transplantation was not that effective. This was only because of lack of resources and the under-development of medical technology.  But due to the drastic advancement in medical technology today, there has been a great rise in the success rates of this surgery.

Although the success rates of corneal transplant are very high, but in some rare cases a number of the risks have been noticed. The most common risk among all is the rejection of new cornea. It leads to poor vision, increased sensitivity to light, sudden redness of the eye and increased pain. If any these signs last more than say five hours, consult your surgeon as soon as possible. Anyhow all these can be easily treated with medication.

If we look at pros and corns of Cornea transplant surgery in India, it can be concluded that the benefits of this surgery overpower its risk. Also only 1 in 50 cases would face any kind of problem after the transplant.  

Cornea transplant surgery in India works well for patients who have had severe corneal damage. 

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