Friday, 24 January 2014

Chemotherapy in India kills down cancerous cells.

Chemotherapy in India

Noting can be so noxious as the disease called Cancer is. The very name of it sounds horrifying to me. Taking thousands of life it has flooded away the real joy of being. It is really hard to imagine the life of person who has been diagnosed with cancer. He struggles with death every day. With each passing day his health keeps deteriorating but with his hopes that Chemotherapy in India will make him live on, brings contentment to him.
Chemotherapy is a magical treatment for cancer. It uses medicines to curb down the cancer causing cells. Although it leads to excessive hair loss and weakens the body but then it has positive effects in the long run. 

Chemotherapy in India smartly slows down or stops the growth of cancerous cells. It uses different medicines. The choice of which medicine is to be used depends on several things like what type of cancer is being treated, what other illnesses or health problems a patient has, and what other treatments have been given earlier 

Looking at the biggest advantage of this therapy, it can treat cancer throughout the body.  Meaning that even in places where the cancer may not be seen, it can reach out to those areas as well. 

Now if we look at the darker side of chemo, it can be concluded that some of the processes that cancer cells uses to grow are similar to those used by normal cells. As a result chemotherapy has high chances of affecting the normal cells, which can lead to side effects.
Cost of Chemotherapy in India is way lesser than the cost for the same therapy in countries like US, UK etc. So choosing for chemo in India would be great choice.  

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