Monday 27 January 2014

All about your best heart surgeon in Delhi-NCR- Dr. Naresh Trehan..

best heart surgeon in Delhi-NCR

When you have to buy your diamond ring, you always consider buying it from the best jewellery house. But, why you do not bother about the surgeon if you are considering for the heart Surgery? Think about it, after all it’s the matter of your life.
Well, it is very essential to know your surgeon before going for the heart Surgery. You know what; Dr. Naresh Trehan is one of the best heart surgeons of the world. He is the executive Director and Chief, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon and member of the board of Governors, Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center, Okhla Road, New Delhi, since 1988. Dr Naresh Trehan is appointed as Personal Surgeon to the President of India with effect from 04.06.1991 and as Honorary Consultant to the Cromwell Hospital, London, U.K., with effect from March, 1994.

Academic Qualifications of Dr. Naresh Trehan

·         Assistant Professor of Surgery, New York University Medical Center, New York, U.S.A., 1981-1988.
·         Clinical Instructor of Surgery, New York University Medical Center, New York,    U.S.A., 1971-1974
·         Teaching Assistant of Surgery, New York University Medical Center, New York,   U.S.A., 1971-1974
Not only Dr. Trehan, India is well infused with the various highly experienced and skilled surgeons. Dr Ajeet Bana, Dr. Ambuj Chowdhury, Dr. Chetan Shah, Dr. Kaushal Pandey, Dr. M.R. Girinath, Dr. Mahesh Kumar Singh, Dr. R.R.Khasliwal, Dr. Rabin Chakraborty, Dr. Sandeep Honnekeri,  Dr. Shantesh Kaushik, Dr. T.S Mahant, Dr. Upendra Kaul are also on the list when it comes to best heart surgeon in Delhi-NCR.

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