Saturday 12 April 2014

Brain Tumor Surgery in India - Costs and Best Hospitals for Brain Cancer Treatment..

brain tumor cancer
Human brain is one of the most complicated and specialized organ, performing thousands of functions for the body and putting man on the top of the animal hierarchy. As difficult it is to fathom the intricacies of the brain, it is equally challenging to figure out and treat the complications that might occur in it. Brain tumor and brain cancer are such terminal diseases that can be treated only if detected earlier.

Brain tumor is caused when there is an abnormal and rapid growth of the cells, which eventually develops into a mass called tumor. The exact cause of tumor formation is still unclear, although genetics and environment could be possible causes. Brain tumors could be of different kinds, depending upon the location, the severity and the spread of the tumor. Brain tumor could become cancerous if it changes from benign to malignant or when it becomes more generalized.

Treating brain tumors and cancer can be quite heavy on the pocket, and patients suffer not only physically, but even mentally and financially. A lot of patients from across the globe then chose to come to India as the cost of brain tumor surgery is much affordable herethan in the western countries. There are many state of the art hospitals specialized only for brain surgeries, such as Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. Some of the best hospitals for brain tumor surgery are in India that are known for their successful brain tumor treatments.

Similarly, for brain cancer treatment in India, there are many well-versed and experienced oncologists available, who have made a mark in their fields with great success rates. Once brain cancer is detected at an early stage, corrective measures can be taken to treat the cancer. Some of the best brain cancer treatment in India has been found in Tata Memorial hospital in Mumbai, A.I.M.S. in Delhi, and Adyar Cancer Institute in Madras. India has proved its mettle in the treatment of various complicated and convoluted tumors and cancers.

Monday 3 March 2014

Assures the medical services at affordable rates Kidney treatment in India..

Kidney treatment in India

Kidneys main function is to facilitate the organs filter waste products from the blood. Moreover, they are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body.

“There are numerous causes of kidney failure, and treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the kidney abnormality”, said Mr Aggarwal, renowned Nephrologist, best kidney hospital in India. He further added that if the kidneys are not diagnosed in  the early phase may lead to weakness, confusion, shortness of breath, lethargy.
Studies show that the  Inability to remove potassium from the bloodstream may lead to abnormal heart rhythms and sudden death. Kidney failure can occur from chronic problems or from an acute situation. There are numerous reasons that cause kidneys to fail. The causes are basically categorized based on where the injury has occurred.  One recent research states that the increased acidity of the body because of the inability to manufacture bicarbonate will alter enzyme and oxygen metabolism causing organ failure.

Kidneytreatment in India is considered as one of the most preferable place amongst the international patients. Mrs. Smith from California said,  “Kidney treatment in India  is very safe and secure. The treatment here is very affordable and within your pocket range. After having the kidney treatment from India, I am leading a very healthy life, I adore you India”

Several tests are performed by the Indian Nephrologists for diagnosing the kidneys that result in the successful treatment. BUN, creatinine, and GFR are routine blood tests used to measure the build-up of waste products in the blood. Urine tests are done that ensures the  measure the amount of protein and detects the presence of abnormal cells meanwhile measuring the concentration of electrolytes.

A survey taken at the Kidney Hospital of India proves that, in keeping blood sugar and blood pressure within normal limits lifelong diligence is important. Moreover hypertension and diabetes are done of the chronic diseases are devastating they can damage the kidneys and other organs in the future.

It is believed that the prevention is always the key purpose with the kidney failure. Further deterioration of renal function is necessary to prevent the patient from the kidney failure. 

Friday 28 February 2014

Stabilize your heart beat by Pacemaker surgery in India

Pacemaker surgery in India

Sometimes the heart muscle problems that cause electrical signals to travel through the heart muscles too slow. The Pacemaker surgery in India will provide cardiac resynchronization therapy to facilitate the beat to run properly.

Pacemaker surgery in India

Pacemaker surgeryin India is done with the help of local anesthetic. One can return to home on the same day of the procedure. During the operation, an incision is made for the pacemaker on either side of the chest or in the abdominal cavity. The leads are then inserted into a vein and guided to the heart. After that, the leads are connected to the pacemaker. The pacemaker and leads are tested and the incision is bunged up for the pacemaker to perform its work. The time interval for the Pacemaker surgery in India take about 2 – 3 hours and one will be instructed remain fasting for 10 - 12 hours before the surgery.

Best hospital for pacemaker surgery in India uses latest and advance methodologies to provide the finest Pacemaker surgery that will help the heart beats run naturally.

Clubfoot surgery in India finest approach to abolish deformity in children

Clubfoot surgery in India

Club Foot is basically described as the unusual positions of the child foot. Club foot surgery in India is facilitating the parents whose children are suffering from the clubfoot deformity.

Sometimes the children are found with the complex deformity that is apparent at birth. The Clubfoot Surgery is used to correct the birth defect of the foot and ankle of the child so that the child has a functional, pain free, plant grade foot with the superior mobility without calluses and does not need modified shoes.

All the clubfoot has the same general appearance, but normally they are not of the same severity. In some cases, the feet are twisted in the inward position so that the top of the foot is where the bottom should be. Moreover, it has been observed that there is a deep fold on the bottom of the mid foot.

Usually the child foot and the calf are minor in pretentious limbs that are obvious in a child with a clubfoot on only one side. The clubfoot may occur in the various syndromes and the associated anomalies such as arthrogryposis and myelodysplasia. Moreover, it also occurs in an isolated disorder such as idiopathic. Blood tests and the other medical tests are done by the doctor to check the exact deformity in the foot of the child.

The club foot may be very severe and mild. But it is observed that all the clubfoot deformity requires special treatment because the Clubfoot will not resolve without treatment. India is a country that does not recommend Clubfoot surgery in the initial phase. They advise casting in the initial phase and treat the patient by stretching the foot of the child into a more normal position with the help of the cast. Every week, a new cast is placed on the foot so that the foot can be stretched into the position. The cast is changed by the doctors in every two months and after the casting the child is granted to wear a brace for several years.

Clubfoot repair surgery in India is performed when the cast or other treatments do not fully correct the problem and the problem comes back. In about 10 days before the surgery, the parents are advised to stop giving your child aspirin, ibuprofen such as Advil, Motrin, or any other drugs that make it hard for your child's blood to clot. Generally the child will not be able to drink or eat anything for 4 - 6 hours before the surgery. Parents are asked to give only a small sip of water with any medicine that the surgeon suggested them before the surgery.

India Health Tour is the India’s leading medical Tourism Company that facilitates the patients seeking Clubfootsurgery in India. The surgery will help the child to stand on his own improved foot.

Kidney treatment in India assures the medical services at affordable rates

Kidney treatment in India

Kidney treatment in India is considered as the forerunner in the medical industry. The main motto of the Indian kidney hospitals is to provide cost effective treatments to the patients coming from all over the world.

A research states that the causes of kidney failure are treatable nowadays and the kidney may return to its normal function. The enduring efforts to control blood pressure and diabetes may be the best way to prevent chronic kidney disease and its progression to kidney failure.

Kidneys main function is to facilitate the organs filter waste products from the blood. Moreover, they are also involved in regulating blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and red blood cell production in the body.

“There are numerous causes of kidney failure, and treatment of the underlying disease may be the first step in correcting the kidney abnormality”, said Mr Aggarwal, renowned Nephrologist, best kidney hospital in India. He further added that if the kidneys are not diagnosed in  the early phase may lead to weakness, confusion, shortness of breath, lethargy. 

Studies show that the  Inability to remove potassium from the bloodstream may lead to abnormal heart rhythms and sudden death. Kidney failure can occur from chronic problems or from an acute situation. There are numerous reasons that cause kidneys to fail. The causes are basically categorized based on where the injury has occurred.  One recent research states that the increased acidity of the body because of the inability to manufacture bicarbonate will alter enzyme and oxygen metabolism causing organ failure.

Kidneytreatment in India is considered as one of the most preferable place amongst the international patients. Mrs. Smith from California said,  “Kidney treatment in India  is very safe and secure. The treatment here is very affordable and within your pocket range. After having the kidney treatment from India, I am leading a very healthy life, I adore you India”

Several tests are performed by the Indian Nephrologists for diagnosing the kidneys that result in the successful treatment. BUN, creatinine, and GFR are routine blood tests used to measure the build-up of waste products in the blood. Urine tests are done that ensures the  measure the amount of protein and detects the presence of abnormal cells meanwhile measuring the concentration of electrolytes.

A survey taken at the Kidney Hospital of India proves that, in keeping blood sugar and blood pressure within normal limits lifelong diligence is important. Moreover hypertension and diabetes are done of the chronic diseases are devastating they can damage the kidneys and other organs in the future.

It is believed that the prevention is always the key purpose with the kidney failure. Further deterioration of renal function is necessary to prevent the patient from the kidney failure.

Large number of people is flocking towards India in great number. Kidney treatment in India assures the best and the finest medical care at affordable prices.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Gastric Bypass Surgery in India an instant remedy to lose weight.

Gastric Bypass Surgery in India helps obese people in losing weight by surgically reducing the size of their stomach.

The unhealthy lifestyle that most of the people are living in today’s world, has given rise to countless problems. Obesity is the most common one out of all.  Pizzas, burgers, frozen food etc contain such high quantity of fats that drastically increase the weight.

Obesity is seen in young ones as well as middle-age people. Obesity is not one disease, it brings along the risks of suffering from various other diseases.

Recent studies have shown that, overweight or obese people are at the highest risk of having heart attack and ischemic heart disease (IHD) regardless of whether or not they have the cluster of cardiovascular risk factors known as metabolic syndrome, which includes high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar.

But obesity can now be treated with Gastric Bypass Surgery in India no more people will have to worry about been obese as they can easily lose weight through this surgery.

You need not do heavy workout or follow some diet chart since you can simply shed out all the fat in your body by gastric bypass surgery. Quite amazing it seems to witness how skillfully has medical technology grown.

Indeed it is only because of medical advancements that such surgical cures to various alarming diseases have been brought to light.  

Gastric Bypass Surgery in India works well by helping you lose weight through changing how your stomach and small intestine manage or handle the food that you eat. Once the surgery is successful your stomach’s size will be small, hence you will feel fuller for longer durations.

A senior Doctor at Fortis said that “Gastric surgery is a really smart way of losing weight. See what happens in this is; the food that you would no longer go into some parts of your stomach and small intestine that break down food and because of which your body will just not absorb all of the calories from the food you eat. The size of your stomach will become as small as that of an infant”.

People all over the world are opting for this instant remedy to lose weight, also because it has high success rates.

Not only will you have disease-free body but also a fit and slim one. 
Apart from the high success rates of gastric surgery another factor that draws the attention of patients is the Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost in India. Cost of this surgery in India is pretty economical and will fall within one’s budget.   

Gastric Bypass Surgery in India assures patients of speedier weight-loss and a healthy body. 

Breast lift surgery in India helps women in reshaping their drooping breasts..

Women are undergoing Breast lift surgery in India as the surgery helps lifting their skin in order to reshape the breasts while increasing the firmness and size of their breast.

Women are nowadays getting more and more conscious about her figure. The 21st century women are very independent and self-governing and want everything around them just right. They are undergoing numerous of surgeries to look better than other. The competitiveness between the women is enormously increasing to a very large extent.

Plastic surgeries like nose surgery, lips surgery, chin surgery, hair extension surgery, breast Surgery are some of the surgeries that are getting highest reviews from the women. Breast Lifting surgeries are among the most talked out surgery these days. Breast lift Surgery is done to raise and reshape sagging breasts. The procedure of breast lift surgery lifts the surrounding tissues around the breast. Moreover, the surgery helps lifting the skin in order to reshape the breasts.

Research shows that the women who undergone breast lift surgery in India attained the firmness and energy in the tissues of her breast in a very short span of time. The main advantage of having the breast lift surgery is that the implants remain impassive from the effect of gravity and restore the height and shape as that of natural breasts.

Breast liftsurgery in India is not time consuming, it takes just about 2 to 3 hours. The patient can go home on the same day or the following day. Dr. Palak, expert surgeon, breast lift surgery said, “The surgery is primarily very much different from the breast augmentation which is the procedure that enhance the breast but not the size and shape of the breasts”

One of the patients who had undergone Breast lift surgery in India said, “I am very much happy with the treatment. It reshapes my sagging breasts while removing excess skin and repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples to improve its appearance”

The breast Lift Surgery may reduce the size of the darker skin surrounding the nipple which in medical term known as areola. Breast enlargement surgery in India can be very useful for the women whose breasts are small or have lost volume after the pregnancy. The procedure help increasing the firmness and size of their breast.

Apart from advantages, the breast lift surgery has various risk factors. Sometimes after the surgery, a breast lift can leave the patient with unevenly-positioned nipples, or an undeviating loss of feeling in your nipples or in the breasts. Furthermore wide scars, Temporary bruising, swelling, discomfort, numbness, dry breast skin are some of the side effects caused due to the surgery.

Breast lift surgery is a good option for the women suffering from drooping breasts. Breast lift surgery in India helps the women attaining a perfect breast.